馬灣: 如有興趣提供可放置廚餘收集箱的地方或有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件/ Whatsapp / Facebook 與 作為環保非牟利組織,我們認為有必要牽頭處理一些正在影響香港的環境問題。 其中一個我們看到的問題是有關廚餘的處理 – 我們看見每天有大量廚餘被送往堆填區,但其實更有效的處理方法應該是把它們收集並轉移到大嶼山的OPark1 (香港首個有機資源回收中心),利用分解技術將廚餘轉化為綠色電力。 我們希望於不久將來可以在馬灣實行這個處理廚餘的好方法,並需要您的幫助去實現這目標! 我們是誰:Seed-2-STEM是由馬灣居民創辦的非牟利組織。我們的重點活動是每周進行海灘清潔和每月安排塑膠回收活動。 我們的需要:我們需要於馬灣尋找地方放置廚餘收集箱。收集箱應設置於中心位置,並可供居民每天24小時下放廚餘。收集箱會於每周由有執照的專業回收人員收集3次。 項目對象:每一位關心馬灣,環境和地球的居民都可以使用廚餘收集箱。希望大家的努力會減低被送往堆填區的廚餘和減少釋放到環境中的甲烷量。 項目目的:當廚餘送到堆填區,它們會被分解並產生甲烷。甲烷是一種比二氧化碳強6倍的溫室氣體。如我們在馬灣成功實行這個廚餘回收項目,我們每星期減少排放的溫室氣體容量相等於52輛汽車於一星期所產生的溫室氣體!如果以一年去計算,我們可減少的二氧化碳排放量足足等於52輛汽車的全年排放量! 📷你的協助:於你商店的範圍提供可放置廚餘收集箱的地方。 我們的協助:廚餘收集箱和收集廚餘的費用將由Seed-2-STEM和有心的馬灣居民支付。我們希望達到雙贏局面,令更多居民透過此項目認識並到訪你的商店。我們亦會於Seed-2-STEM的網站和社交媒體定期發佈活動的相關資料,並多謝各商店的支持! 潛在風險:1)廚餘一般含有一定份量的水份,並且會迅速分解。廚餘有可能會從回收筒中漏出液體(解決方法 – 我們會確保收集箱使用的垃圾袋有良好質素預防問題發生)。 2)廚餘收集箱可能有難聞的氣味(解決方法 – 每周進行3次清理以保持清潔衛生)。3)廚餘可能會吸引一些有害生物(解決方法 – 高收集頻率將減少有害生物出現的機會)。 呼籲行動: 如有興趣提供可放置廚餘收集箱的地方或有任何疑問,請通過電子郵件/ Whatsapp / Facebook 與 Seed-2-STEM聯繫! 電郵:[email protected] Whatsapp: 5593-6969 Facebook :facebook.com/Seed2STEM.ltd 謝謝 Ma Wan, If you can host a food waste collection bin contact please contact Seed-2-STEM. We believe it is necessary for non-governmental organizations to take the lead on some environmental issues that affect Hong Kong. We see a need to keep food waste out of the landfill and divert it to the O-park digester in Lantau where it can be turned into green electricity. We need your help to make this happen. Who we are: Seed-2-STEM is a non-profit organization located in Ma Wan. Our main focus is weekly beach cleaning activities and recycling collection. What We Need: We need a food waste collection bin. The bin should be centrally located and available for residents to drop off their food waste 24 hours per day. The food waste from the bin will be picked up 3 times per week by a licensed collector. Who it will affect: The bins will be accessed by residents who care about the local environment and the Earth. This project will help divert food waste from Hong Kong’s Landfill sites and reduce the amount of methane released into the environment. Why: The food waste should be diverted from the landfill where it decomposes and creates methane, a greenhouse gas 6x more potent than carbon dioxide. The collection ability of these bins could divert enough food waste per week to save the equivalent greenhouse gas created by 52 cars operating for a week. In a 📷year of operating this food waste collection service, we could save the equivalent carbon dioxide as taking 52 cars off the road for a whole year. You Provide: A place for the bin outside of your business. We Provide: The cost of the bin and collection will be paid by Seed-2-STEM and the residents who choose to use the food waste bin. The waste collection bins will bring many people close to your business on a daily or weekly basis. Your business will be featured on our website and associated with environmental activities as a supporter. Risks: 1)Food waste is mostly water and decomposes quickly. There is a chance that the food waste may leak liquid from the bin (Solution – the bin will have a strong plastic bag liner). 2) There is a chance that the bin may smell bad (Solution – food waste will be collected 3 times per week to reduce the chance of smell). 3) Food waste could attract some pests (Solution – frequency of collection will reduce the chance of pests). Call to action: To host a collection bin contact Seed-2-STEM by email: [email protected], Whatsapp 5593-6969, or Facebook facebook.com/Seed2STEM.ltd. Please see https://ift.tt/jtBpr9v 📷www.seed-2-STEM.com/compost-project September 12, 2022 at 01:35PM
Posted on September 12, 2022
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